
Neural Architecture Search with Reinforcement Learning

Zoph, B., & Le, Q. V. (2016). Neural Architecture Search with Reinforcement Learning. 1–16. Retrieved from


Although Neural Architecture Application has become easier, designing architectures still requires a lot of expert knowledge and takes ample time. This paper presents Neural Architecture Search, a gradient-based method for finding good architectures (see Figure 1) . It is based on the observation that the structure and connectivity of a neural network can be typically specified by a variable-length string. It is therefore possible to use a recurrent network – the controller – to generate such string. Training the network specified by the string – the “child network” – on the real data will result in an accuracy on a validation set. Using this accuracy as the reward signal, we can compute the policy gradient to update the controller. As a result, in the next iteration, the controller will give higher probabilities to architectures that receive high accuracies. In other words, the controller will learn to improve its search over time.


神经网络架构的应用虽然比较广泛,但是设计神经网络架构依旧需要花费很多资源和时间。鉴于此,这篇论文提出了一个基于梯度算法的方法来搜索出最优的神经网络架构,这种方法也基于一个事实——神经网络的结构和连接通常能够被一个变长的字符串指定。因此,这篇论文提出了一个循环网络,这个循环网络包含一个控制器和一个“子网络”,控制器用于产生这样的变长字符串,之后根据这个字符串训练出相应的“子网络”, 并在验证集上进行验证,产生一个准确度,然后把这个准确度作为一个反馈信号,计算出策略梯度来更新控制器,因此,在下一次迭代中,控制器将会有更高概率产生高准确率的架构,换句话说,控制器将慢慢地优化对神经网络的搜索。

Hyperparameter optimization is an important research topic in machine learning, and is widely used in practice. Despite their success, these methods are still limited in that they only search models from a fixed-length space. There are Bayesian optimization methods that allow to search non fixed length architectures (Bergstra et al., 2013; Mendoza et al., 2016), but they are less general and less flexible than the method proposed in this paper.
Modern neuro-evolution algorithms,are much more flexible for composing novel models, yet they are usually less practical at a large scale.

The controller in Neural Architecture Search is auto-regressive, which means it predicts hyperparameters one a time, conditioned on previous predictions. This idea is borrowed from the decoder in end-to-end sequence to sequence learning (Sutskever et al., 2014). Unlike sequence to sequence learning, our method optimizes a non-differentiable metric, which is the accuracy of the child network. It is therefore similar to the work on BLEU optimization in Neural Machine Translation (Ran- zato et al., 2015; Shen et al., 2016). Unlike these approaches, our method learns directly from the reward signal without any supervised bootstrapping.





  • Generate Model Descriptions with A Controller Recurrent Neural Network(通过控制器循环网络产生模型)

    The process of generating an architecture stops if the number of layers exceeds a certain value. This value follows a schedule where we increase it as training progresses. Once the controller RNN finishes generating an architecture, a neural network with this architecture is built and trained. At convergence, the accuracy of the network on a held-out validation set is recorded. The parameters of the controller RNN, θc, are then optimized in order to maximize the expected validation accuracy of the proposed architectures.

    如果网络层的数量超过了一个确定的值,那么产生神经网络架构的过程将会停止,其中这个确定的值是随着训练进程不断增加的。一旦循环网络控制器停止产生神经网络架构,那么,基于这个架构的神经网络则会被构建和训练,当神经网络趋于收敛时,这个神经网络在被留出的验证集上的准确度将会被记录。接着循环网络控制器的参数θc 将会被优化,以便产生最大期望验证集准确率的神经架构。

  • Training with Reinforce(利用强化学习进行训练)

    Use this accuracy R as the reward signal and use reinforcement learning to train the controller. More concretely, to find the optimal architecture, we ask our controller to maximize its expected reward. Since the reward signal R is non-differentiable, we need to use a policy gradient method to iteratively update θc.

    As training a child network can take hours, we use distributed training and asynchronous parameter updates in order to speed up the learning process of the controller . We use a parameter-server scheme where we have a parameter server of S shards, that store the shared parameters for K controller replicas. Each controller replica samples m different child architectures that are trained in parallel. The controller then collects gradients according to the results of that minibatch of m architectures at convergence and sends them to the parameter server in order to update the weights across all controller replicas. In our implementation, convergence of each child network is reached when its training exceeds a certain number of epochs. This scheme of parallelism is summarized in Figure 3




  • Increase Architecture Complexity with Skip Connections and Other Layer Types(通过跳过连接来增加结构复杂度以及其他网络层类型)

    We introduce a method that allows our controller to propose skip connections or branching layers, thereby widening the search space. To enable the controller to predict such connections, we use a set-selection type attention which was built upon the attention mechanism. At layer N, we add an anchor point which has N− 1 content-based sigmoids to indicate the previous layers that need to be connected. Each sigmoid is a function of the current hidden state of the controller and the previous hidden states of the previous N − 1 anchor points. We then sample from these sigmoids to decide what previous layers to be used as inputs to the current layer.

    To be able to add more types of layers, we need to add an additional step in the controller RNN to predict the layer type, then other hyperparameters associated with it.



  • Generate Recurrent Cell Architectures(产生循环网络架构)

    The computations for basic RNN and LSTM cells can be generalized as a tree of steps that take xt and ht−1 as inputs and produce ht as final output. The controller RNN needs to label each node in the tree with a combination method (addition, elementwise multiplication, etc.) and an activation function (tanh, sigmoid, etc.) to merge two inputs and produce one output. Two outputs are then fed as inputs to the next node in the tree. To allow the controller RNN to select these methods and functions, we index the nodes in the tree in an order so that the controller RNN can visit each node one by one and label the needed hyperparameters.



Experiments and Results

  • Learning Convolutional Architectures For CIFAR-10(在CIFAR-10数据集上学习卷积神经网络)

    Training details: The controller RNN is a two-layer LSTM with 35 hidden units on each layer. It is trained with the ADAM optimizer (Kingma & Ba, 2015) with a learning rate of 0.0006. The weights of the controller are initialized uniformly between -0.08 and 0.08. For the distributed train- ing, we set the number of parameter server shards S to 20, the number of controller replicas K to 100 and the number of child replicas m to 8, which means there are 800 networks being trained on 800 GPUs concurrently at any time.
    Once the controller RNN samples an architecture, a child model is constructed and trained for 50 epochs. The reward used for updating the controller is the maximum validation accuracy of the last 5 epochs cubed. The validation set has 5,000 examples randomly sampled from the training set, the remaining 45,000 examples are used for training. The settings for training the CIFAR-10 child models are the same with those used in Huang et al. (2016a). We use the Momentum Optimizer with a learning rate of 0.1, weight decay of 1e-4, momentum of 0.9 and used Nesterov Momentum (Sutskever et al., 2013).
    During the training of the controller, we use a schedule of increasing number of layers in the child networks as training progresses. On CIFAR-10, we ask the controller to increase the depth by 2 for the child models every 1,600 samples, starting at 6 layers.





  • Learning Recurrent Cells for Penn TreeBank(在PTB数据集上学习循环神经网络)

    Training details: The controller and its training are almost identical to the CIFAR-10 experiments except for a few modifications: 1) the learning rate for the controller RNN is 0.0005, slightly smaller than that of the controller RNN in CIFAR-10, 2) in the distributed training, we set S to 20, K to 400 and m to 1, which means there are 400 networks being trained on 400 CPUs concurrently at any time, 3) during asynchronous training we only do parameter updates to the parameter-server once 10 gradients from replicas have been accumulated.




    1. 优化器的学习率是0.005;
    2. 分布式训练中,参数服务器S是20个,控制器副本K是400个,子网络架构m是1个;
    3. 在异步训练中,只有控制器副本积累到10个梯度时才更新参数服务器的参数。



Neural Architecture Search is an idea of using a recurrent neural network to compose neural network architectures. By using recurrent network as the controller, our method is flexible so that it can search variable-length architecture space. Our method has strong empirical performance on very challenging benchmarks and presents a new research direction for automatically finding good neural network architectures.


Auto-DeepLab: Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Semantic Image Segmentation

Liu, C., Chen, L.-C., Schroff, F., Adam, H., Hua, W., Yuille, A., & Fei-Fei, L. (2019). Auto-DeepLab: Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Semantic Image Segmentation. Retrieved from


In this paper, we study Neural Archi- tecture Search for semantic image segmentation, an important computer vision task that assigns a label like “person” or “bicycle” to each pixel in the input image.

The vast majority of current works on NAS follow this two-level hierarchical design, but only automat- ically search the inner cell level while hand-designing the outer network level. We propose a network level architecture search space that augments and complements the much-studied cell level one, and consider the more challenging joint search of network level and cell level architectures.

We develop a differentiable, continuous formulation that conducts the two-level hierarchical architecture search efficiently in 3 GPU days. On PASCAL VOC 2012 and ADE20K, our best model outper- forms several state-of-the-art models.




Convolutional neural networks deployed in a fully convolutional manner (FCNs) have achieved remarkable performance on several semantic segmentation benchmarks. Within the state-of-the-art systems, there are two essential components: multi-scale context module and neural network design. In this work, we apply neural architecture search for network backbones specific for semantic segmentation. We further show state-of-the-art performance without ImageNet pretraining, and significantly outperforms FRRN and GridNet on Cityscapes.

Several papers used reinforcement learning (either policy gradients or Q-learning ) to train a recurrent neural network that represents a policy to generate a sequence of symbols specifying the CNN architecture. An alternative to RL is to use evolutionary algorithms (EA), that “evolves” architectures by mutating the best architectures found so far. These RL and EA methods tend to require massive computation during the search, usually thousands of GPU days. Our work follows the differentiable NAS formulation and extends it into the more general hierarchical setting.

Our work still uses this cell level search space to keep consistent with previous works. Yet one of our contributions is to propose a new, general-purpose network level search space, since we wish to jointly search across this two-level hierarchy.




Architecture Search Space

For the inner cell level , we reuse the one adopted in to keep consistent with previous works. For the outer network level , we propose a novel search space based on observation and summarization of many popular designs.

We define a cell to be a small fully convolutional module,typically repeated multiple times to form the entire neural network. More specifically, a cell is a directed acyclic graph consisting of B blocks.

We propose the following network level search space. The beginning of the network is a two-layer “stem” structure that each reduces the spatial resolution by a factor of 2. After that, there are a total of L layers with unknown spatial resolutions, with the maximum being downsampled by 4 and the minimum being downsampled by 32. Since each layer may differ in spatial resolution by at most 2, the first layer after the stem could only be either downsampled by 4 or 8. We illustrate our network level search space in Fig. 1. Our goal is then to find a good path in this L-layer trellis.





The advantage of introducing this continuous relaxation is that the scalars controlling the connection strength between different hidden states are now part of the differentiable computation graph. Therefore they can be optimized efficiently using gradient descent. We adopt the first-order approximation and partition the training data into two disjoint sets trainA and trainB.

We decode the discrete cell architecture by first retaining the 2 strongest predecessors for each block , and then choose the most likely operator by taking the argmax.

Quite intuitively, our goal is to find the path with the “max- imum probability” from start to end. This path can be decoded efficiently using the classic Viterbi algorithm, as in our implementation.


Experimental Results

We consider a total of L = 12 layers in the network, and B = 5 blocks in a cell. The network level search space has 2.9 × 104 unique paths, and the number of cell structures is 5.6 × 1014. So the size of the joint, hierarchical search space is in the order of 1019. The architecture search optimization is conducted for a total of 40 epochs. The batch size is 2 due to GPU mem- ory constraint. When learning network weights w, we use SGD optimizer with momentum 0.9, cosine learning rate that decays from 0.025 to 0.001, and weight decay 0.0003. The initial values of α, β before softmax are sampled from a standard Gaussian times 0.001. They are optimized using Adam optimizer [36] with learning rate 0.003 and weight decay 0.001.

On Cityscapes, Auto-DeepLab significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art by 8.6%, and per- forms comparably with ImageNet-pretrained top models when exploiting the coarse annotations. On PASCAL VOC 2012 and ADE20K, Auto-DeepLab also outperforms several ImageNet-pretrained state-of-the-art models.

将NAS使用在语义分割上,经过在不同数据集上的实验,可以得到:在Cityscapes数据集上,auto-deepLab 明显的比其他一些经过ImageNet预训练的先进的方法表现良好,而且和经过ImageNet预训练的顶级模型相比性能差不多;在PASCAL VOC2012和ADE20K的数据集上,auto-deepLab和一部分经过ImageNet预训练的先进模型效果差不多,但表现效果并不是最好的。


For future work, within the current framework, related applications such as object detection should be plausible; we could also try untying the cell architecture α across different layers with little computation overhead. Beyond the current framework, a more general network level search space should be beneficial.


Learning Transferable Architecture for Scalable Image Recognition

Zoph, B., Vasudevan, V., Shlens, J., & Le, Q. V. (2018). Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable Image Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 8697–8710.


In this paper, we study a new paradigm of designing convolutional architectures and describe a scalable method to optimize convolutional architectures on a dataset of interest, for instance the ImageNet classification dataset. We design a search space (which we call “the NASNet search space”) so that the complexity of the architecture is independent of the depth of the network and the size of input images. Our main result is that the best architecture found on CIFAR-10, called NASNet. The image features learned by NASNets are generically useful and transfer to other computer vision problems.


The proposed method is related to previous work in hyperparameter optimization. The design of our search space took much inspiration from LSTMs, and Neural Architecture Search Cell.



The main contribution of this work is the design of a novel search space, such that the best architecture found on the CIFAR-10 dataset would scale to larger, higher- resolution image datasets across a range of computational settings.

In our approach, the overall architectures of the convolutional nets are manually predetermined. They are composed of convolutional cells repeated many times where each convolutional cell has the same architecture, but different weights. To easily build scalable architectures for images of any size, we need two types of convolutional cells to serve two main functions when taking in a feature map as input: (1) convolutional cells that return a feature map of the same dimension, and (2) convolutional cells that return a feature map where the feature map height and width is reduced by a factor of two. We name the first type and second type of convolutional cells Normal Cell and Reduction Cell respectively. The Reduction and Normal Cell could have the same architecture, but we empirically found it beneficial to learn two separate architectures.

In our search space, each cell receives as input two initial hidden states hi and hi−1 which are the outputs of two cells in previous two lower layers or the input image. The controller RNN recursively predicts the rest of the structure of the convolutional cell, given these two initial hidden states(Figure 3).




Experiments and Results

As can be seen from the Table 1, a large NASNet-A model with cutout data augmentation [12] achieves a state-of-the-art error rate of 2.40% (averaged across 5 runs), which is slightly better than the previous best record of 2.56% by [12].


We find that the learned convolutional cells are flexible across model scales achieving state-of-the-art performance across almost 2 orders of magnitude in computational budget.

Increasing the spatial resolution of the input image results in the best reported, single model result for object detection of 43.1%, surpassing the best previous best by over 4.0% . NASNet provides superior, generic image features that may be transferred across other computer vision tasks.

The best model identified with RL is significantly better than the best model found by RS by over 1% as measured by on CIFAR-10.



The learned architecture is quite flexible as it may be scaled in terms of computational cost and parameters to easily address a variety of problems. The key insight in our approach is to design a search space that decouples the complexity of an architecture from the depth of a network.

we demonstrate that we can use the resulting learned architecture to perform ImageNet classification with reduced computational budgets that outperform streamlined architectures targeted to mobile and embedded platforms.


Random Search and Reproducibility for Neural Architecture Search

Li, L., & Talwalkar, A. (2019). Random Search and Reproducibility for Neural Architecture Search. 1–20. Retrieved from


We see three fundamental issues with the current state of NAS research: Inadequate Baselines. Complex Methods. Lack of Reproducibility.

We help ground existing NAS results by providing a new perspective on the gap between traditional hy- perparameter optimization and leading NAS methods.

We identify a small subset of NAS components that are sufficient for achieving good empirical results.

We open-source all of the necessary code, random seeds, and documentation necessary to reproduce our experiments.



We choose to use a simple method combining random search with early-stopping called ASHA to provide a competitive baseline for standard hyperparameter optimization.

Our combination of random search with weight-sharing greatly simplifies the training routine and we identify key variables needed to achieve competitive results on both CIFAR-10 and PTB benchmarks.

We follow DARTS and report the result of our random weight-sharing method across multiple trials; in fact, we go one step further and evaluate the broad reproducibility of our results with multiple sets of random seeds.



Our algorithm is designed for an arbitrary search space with a DAG representation, we use the same search spaces as that considered by DARTS [34] for the standard CIFAR-10 and PTB NAS benchmarks.

There are a few key meta-hyperparameters that impact the behavior of our search algorithm: Training epochs.Batch size.Network size.Number of evaluated architectures.

Since we train the shared weights using a single architecture at a time, we have the option of only loading the weights associated with the operations and edges that are activated into GPU memory. Hence, the memory footprint of our random search with weight-sharing can be reduced to that of a single model.



To evaluate the performance of random search with weight-sharing on these two benchmarks, we proceed in the same three stages:

  • Stage 1: Perform architecture search for a cell block on a cheaper search task.
  • Stage 2: Evaluate the best architecture from the first stage by retraining a larger, network formed from multiple cell blocks of the best found architecture from scratch. This stage is used to select the best architecture from multiple trials.
  • Stage 3: Perform the full evaluation of the best found architecture from the second stage by either training for more epochs (PTB) or training with more seeds (CIFAR-10).

For the PTB benchmark, we refer to the network used in the first stage as the proxy network and the network in the later stages as the proxyless network. We next present the final search results. We subsequently explore the impact of various meta-hyperparameters on random search with weight-sharing, and finally evaluate the reproducibility of various methods on this benchmark. Comparison with state-of-the-art NAS methods and manually designednetworks. Lower test perplexity is better on this benchmark.


For the CIFAR-10 benchmark,the DAG considered for the convolutional cell has N = 4 search nodes and the operations considered include 3 × 3 and 5 × 5 separable convolutions, 3 × 3 and 5 × 5 dilated separable convolutions, 3 × 3 max pooling, and 3 × 3 average pooling, and zero.Comparison with state-of-the-art NAS methods and manually designed networks.



  • 阶段1:在一个资源耗费较少的搜索任务上对一个单元格块执行架构搜索。
  • 阶段2:通过重新训练一个更大的网络来评估第一个阶段的最佳架构,这个网络由多个单元块组成,这些单元块是从零开始找到的最佳架构。这个阶段用于从多个测试中选择最佳架构。
  • 阶段3:对第二阶段发现的最佳体系结构进行全面评估,方法是进行更多epoch (PTB)的训练,或者进行更多seed (CIFAR-10)的训练。



Better baselines that accurately quantify the performance gains of NAS methods.

Ablation studies that isolate the impact of individual NAS components.

Reproducible results that engender confidence and foster scientific progress.



Liu, H., Simonyan, K., & Yang, Y. (2018). DARTS: Differentiable Architecture Search. 1–13. Retrieved from


The best existing architecture search algorithms are computationally demanding despite their remark- able performance.In this work, we approach the problem from a different angle, and propose a method for efficient architecture search called DARTS (Differentiable ARchiTecture Search).Instead of searching over a discrete set of candidate architectures, we relax the search space to be continuous, so that the architecture can be optimized with respect to its validation set performance by gradient descent.


We search for a computation cell as the building block of the final architecture. The learned cell could either be stacked to form a convolutional network or recursively connected to form a recurrent network.

To make the search space continuous, we relax the categorical choice of a particular operation to a softmax over all possible operations. After relaxation, our goal is to jointly learn the architecture α and the weights w within all the mixed operations.


Experiments and Results

Our experiments on CIFAR-10 and PTB consist of two stages, architecture search and architecture evaluation. In the first stage, we search for the cell architectures using DARTS, and determine the best cells based on their validation performance. In the second stage, we use these cells to construct larger architectures, which we train from scratch and report their performance on the test set. We also investigate the transferability of the best cells learned on CIFAR-10 and PTB by evaluating them on ImageNet and WikiText-2 (WT2) respectively.



DARTS achieved comparable results with the state of the art (Zoph et al., 2018; Real et al., 2018) while using three orders of magnitude less computation resources.

Table 2 presents the results for recurrent architectures on PTB, where a cell discovered by DARTS achieved the test perplexity of 55.7. This is on par with the state-of-the-art model enhanced by a mixture of softmaxes (Yang et al., 2018), and better than all the rest of the architectures that are either manually or automatically discovered.




另外,这篇论文也调查的最佳单元的可转让性,并评估这个单元在ImageNet和WikiText-2 (WT2)上的性能。


We presented DARTS, a simple yet efficient architecture search algorithm for both convolutional and recurrent networks. By searching in a continuous space, DARTS is able to match or outperform the state-of-the-art non-differentiable architecture search methods on image classification and language modeling tasks with remarkable efficiency improvement by several orders of magnitude.
